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Fifth Grade

These resources are: nutrition and physical activity; growth, development, and sexual health; and personal and community health

Nutrition and Physical Activity



This textbook is full of fun, engaging workbook activities related to nutrition! It is available in English and Spanish, and is free for download in California!

By Lois Elhert



Did you know the way you eat, move and sleep can impact your mood? This video is meant for young people: it provides tips on healthy eating, movement and sleep habits.

Growth, Development, and Sexual Health


By Scott Todnem

This puberty book for boys offers essential guidance for helping your boy get through his adolescent years happily and healthily―so he can focus on all of the good stuff ahead.

By Lois Elhert


By Heather Corinna

Using comics, activities and examples, they give encouragement and context for new and confusing feelings and experiences. It is inclusive of different kinds of genders, sexualities, and other identities, they talk about important topics. This is a book for OLDER fifth graders, or even middle schoolers. 


By Cory Silverman and Fiona Smith

A comic book for kids that includes children and families of all makeups, orientations, and gender identities, Sex Is a Funny Word is an essential resource about bodies, gender, and sexuality for children ages 8 to 10 as well as their parents and caregivers.





For information about your changing body and mind and the kinds of issues that older kids face, this is the place.


By Catherine Newman

every page of this super-useful book provides easy, accessible scripts and guidance on the right thing to say in all kinds of situations, from how to be inclusive, listen, give advice, argue, stick up for yourself, and ask for help to how to turn down a date, express sympathy, deal with offensive comments, respond to bullying, and be trustworthy.



This video shows how STDs are caused, spread, and what you can do when you have one. AMAZE org's youtube channel has tons of great videos about this, so check those out!

Personal and Community Health


By Dr Cara Natterson

This thoughtful advice book will guide you through the next steps of growing up. With illustrations and expert contributors, this book covers new questions about periods, your growing body, peer pressure, personal care, and more! 


By Cara Natterson and Micah Player

With tips, how-tos, and facts from a real pediatrician, it's the perfect book to help you learn about your body's changes.



This video shows the emotions and confusion one has when they are in an emotionally abusive relationships. The video uses contrasting colors for effects, and no violence is used.

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